Portsmouth, NH
Historic Assessments
The current home of the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire, this building assessment will detail the history, current conditions and future opportunities for the Federal style structure at 222 Court Street in Portsmouth. Built in the early 19th century, the traditional building demonstrates several unique characteristics which tell the story of its time. An unusual brick party wall responds to earlier devastating city-wide fires, the hipped ell addition and unique fenestration details changing patterns of use through the centuries. The assessment report will investigate solutions for an increasingly common challenge for historic buildings – rising floods and groundwater impact on foundations. Many seacoast structures are facing similar fates as masonry shifts and mortar crumbles from the effects of climate change. This historic assessment report will provide a course of direction for needed improvements to make the building more durable, useful, energy efficient, comfortable, safe, code compliant and handicapped accessible. The report will also be helpful in pursuing funding and phasing for these needed improvements.